It’s been a while since I had spent some time on software and create complex vectors. So the objective was pretty straight forward: Create an icon for a local but iconic everyday object. What better than getting your hands dirty and create a chainak / tea kettle while having some chai/ tea. A quick google search led me to this simple image I decided to recreate as a vector:

The core shape was pretty easy to break down. But besides the couple of curvy polygons, the core challenge was getting the colors and hollow depth of the chainak right. Eventually after a few hours and a lot of trial and error worked my way to the right mix of realism, as well as tweak it a bit further to exaggerate the contrast and make the illustration pop out. Stages for the process mentioned below:

The result was pretty satisfying and the couple of hours were worth it, considering this was a lot of different sessions as I scooped out some time of a couple of days to get this done. Went a little further and experimented with some textures and background combos to get the result below, and safe to say that it’s one of the better looking visuals i’ve created in a while.