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My name is Arsalan Khatri and I’ve been playing with pixels for quite a few years now. I consider myself a student and ever ready to learn. In 2000, at the age of 9, my parents got me registered to an 8 week course for web development and graphic design. Don’t remember much of it [duh!] but now in retrospect I feel that ‘diploma’ was the catalyst for my interest in design.

Long story short, ended up getting a bachelors degree in Media Sciences with majors in Advertising Strategy and Design from SZABIST. During my studies, I had also begun freelancing online for graphic design projects since 2012, and you can visit my freelancer profile for details.

I like experimenting, be it audio or video. I’m always seeking opportunities where I can learn and grow. With the passage of time, I’ve discovered key interests in typography, designing for social change and human-centered-data-driven-design [quite a mouthful!]. My interest pushed me to complete an eight course Interaction Design Specialization offered by UC San Diego. Feel free to explore details on their website or view my certificate here.

Due to a bunch of NDAs, I won’t be able to upload/ publish everything online. However, you’re welcome to see part of my visual design portfolio at www.marsalank.com, or follow my Medium profile for some of my product design learnings over the time spent in the industry so far.

Thank you for taking out the time to go through my website, while going through few of my projects along their processes. Drop me an e-mail at contact@marsalank.com, be it getting a quote, resume or comments. Would definitely love to get your feedback!